Mr. Padraig Langsch 

Solicitor / Partner

Slovensky hovoriaci právnik
Pусскоязычный юрист
česky mluvící právník
правова допомога громадянам України
porady prawne w języku polskim


  • Criminal defence

  • Family law

  • Childcare law

  • Immigration/refugee law

  • Defamation

  • Employment law

Pádraig is a partner in the firm and a former barrister. Padraig has successfully represented clients in a variety of complex legal matters both as a barrister and a solicitor and offers expert legal advice in the areas of criminal law, family/ childcare law and immigration law. He is a graduate of prestigious Maastricht University European School of Law (ranked the 23rd best law school in the world in 2023) and he also studied law at Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork. Padraig is a very experienced court advocate and will fight your corner in every step of the way.  Apart from being an experienced lawyer, he also has excellent working relations with the country's top Barristers and Senior Counsel with whom he works on a regular basis.  Padraig speaks fluent Russian, Slovak, Czech and Polish.


Kathriona Cunnane



  • Civil Litigation
  • Employment Law
  • Family Law
  • Conveyancing

Kathriona is a partner in the firm. She has experience in a wide range of civil litigation matters, including personal injuries, medical negligence, road traffic accidents, workplace accidents, landlord and tenant disputes, family law, wills and enduring powers of attorney and licensing law matters.
She holds a Diploma in Professional Legal Studies and a BA (Law). She qualified as a Solicitor in 2018 after a decade as a Legal Executive.
